english gematria calculator App: Unlocking the Hidden Meaning of Words
Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the words and phrases we speak every day? Thanks to a new technology, the English Gematria Calculator App, you can now access the hidden numerical meaning behind your everyday words.
The English Gematria Calculator is a revolutionary app that unlocks the coded language within our words and phrases. This app uses gematria, an ancient form of numerology, to give your words and phrases a deeper, hidden meaning. By plugging in special numerical values like Hebrew letters or Greek letters, it then reveals what each word actually signifies in terms of numerology.
So how does it work? Simply type any phrase into the calculator and then press calculate to view its hidden meaning. The values assigned to each letter is determined by the enumeration associated with that particular letter in Hebrew or Greek; once all of these values are totaled up you are left with an overall numerical value which symbolizes something much deeper than merely surface-level meaning of that phrase. For example: type in 'love' and this app will quickly reveal that this entire word adds up to 30 - indicating harmony and creative power - plus 7 - associated with holiness.
This innovative gematria calculators also provides you with insights on more specific topics such as names or dates. Just type in say a person's name or a date from history and gain access to its previously unseen attributes; all without the need for any mathematical know-how! Moreover, this calculator allows users to compare any two separate words for their individual numerical values allowing them to see just how different meanings can be linked when broken down into their numerical components.
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